I have some experience with the Arduino UNO, I own one of them and I've built a few pretty neat projects using them. Here is a youtube video showing a basic RTTL player using an Arduino UNO:
My most recent project using a Raspberry Pi (and an ATtiny85 microcontroller) was a timelapse device running from a battery. It uses a RTC module so it can keep track of the time. It also has a builtin temperature sensor apparently so I use that to log the temperature for every picture which is captured. It runs on a 12V 4.5Ah battery and uses the microcontroller to toggle the battery on and off periodically every 5 minutes. I regulate the voltage down to 5V which powers RPi zero. The RPi captures a picture and writes that to the sdcard along with the current time and temperature. I've got it to draw extremely little power so the battery lasts for approximently 2 months straight.
I'm planning on writing an instructables for this project which hopefully will be released in the start of October. But as a sneak peek, here is what my timelapse project looks like as of right now (more pictures will be released in a later blogpost when I have made the instructables for the project):
Looks really aesthetically pleasing with the pink micro USB cable, doesn't it? :)
I also regularily participate in the Ludum Dare game jam competition. If you don't know what that is, you can read about it here. I use Unity3D for my games because that gives me a lot more time focusing on the actual game itself, and not so much on the game engine. Take a look at some of my games here. Or you can try my latest game for LD36 which I published on gamejolt.
Until next blogpost, have a good day!
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